Thursday, June 30, 2011

8th Cake 3 Tiered BABY SHOWER CAKE

 My favourite part is the feet, it turned out ok....

This cake is for my cousin, she has a baby shower on the weekend, and I was stoked to be able to make the cake... hope she likes it

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

7th cake P Plate cake...

A girl at my work just got her licence so I thought I would make this cake for her...
Not happy with the royal icing had to add so much red food colouring made it go a bit runny will have to work on it.... And the circle in the 90 could be a little better more round... but over all happy with it...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

6th Cake SHOE CAKE

I made a cake for my shoe to go on top of... 
 I used my new glitter dust, all edible...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gum paste HIGH HEEL creation

I haven't put it on a cake yet, prob do that this afternoon, but I am loving this mould set....

Riley's creation of a duck

 Here is Riley's creation of a duck, loved getting him involved, he sits there with me and watches me and copies. Not a bad duck for his first attempt...
He is so proud of it, but of course it has been eaten, and he said it tasted great....

Side view of his duck he did the whole thing the wings and all so proud of him and his little duck.....

Gum paste creations

I am doing a baby cake for my cousin so I created some little ducks to add some dimension to the cake..
here are some of the ducks I am going to make some more to place on the cake board...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

5th cake SUSHI

This cake took a while the sushi was done through the week and the table, tablecloth and board done over this weekend as it is the cake part....

I am happy with the wood board it is probably my favourite part.... Every thing is edible on the cake....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fourth cake Heart Shape

Another cake, I like this one, I did use a real ribbon though around the cake but the rest of the cake is edible.

My Third Fondant cake

This cake was for my husband, he wanted to take one to work but didn't want a girly cake so 
I opted to try a golf course.
I made every thing on the cake, I am happy with my trees.. and the grass came up pretty good I think.

Any way here are some photos of the golf cake...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Second Fondant Cake

This is my second go at decorating a cake using fondant. 
Happy with the flowers and how they came up but the criss cross pattern could have been better. But practice will always help....

Friday, June 3, 2011

My first try with marzipan

I wanted to try using marzipan to mould, I don't have all the colours or the tools this was done by hand and a knife, so will keep practicing and hope it gets better with the right tools and some colour....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My first Fondant(ready to roll icing) cake

This is my first attempt at cake decorating, I took some ideas and designs that I saw on the net, after buying some equipment. Happy with it but next time will try to get the top to be centered... and I need more practice with piping first go at that too...